Our Small Groups

4 Types of Small Groups


From books of the Bible to apologetics, end times, book studies, and more, theological groups are important as they help us know God more fully.


Enjoy fishing or golf?  Maybe its running or crochet.  No matter what you enjoy, you can intentionally use your gifts and hobbies to grow closer to God!


People can hurt us.  We can hurt ourselves.  That’s why restorational groups, like Celebrate Recovery, are so important.


A group of like minded people with a cause can change the world. 


Blended Families

Matt & Neddie Dewey
Our goal is about helping blended families thrive. We gather together to help, encourage, and support individuals as they are on their blended journeys.

Saturdays @ 5:30 pm

Celebrate Recovery

Clyde Roy
Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find freedom from your hurts, habits, & hang ups.

Tuesdays @ 7:00 pm

Discipled by Jesus

Pastor Jeremy
Your ongoing invitation to follow Jesus.

Wednesdays @ 7:30 am

Pastor's Small Group

Pastor Hugh
Each week, Pastor Hugh leads this group to reflect on the sermon series and Scripture and how it applies to their lives.

Sundays @ 5:00 pm

Men's Group

Matt Eubanks
Our goal is for every man, of any age or stage of life, at VBFN to feel encouraged through relationships and equipped through a small group to fulfill his 
God-ordained purpose.

Tuesdays @ 6:00 pm


Melvin Mondragon
The Kairos programs take the participants on a journey that demonstrates the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ.

Revelation:  the Ultimate Hope in Christ

Clyde Roy
Join us Wednesday evenings as we study the book of Revelation and how its message gives us hope through Christ.

Wednesdays @ 6:30 pm

Acts:  the Revolution of Faith

Bev Karas
Join this Ladies' group for a study of the book of Acts and how the message of Jesus, staring with 12 disciples has revolutionized the world, encompassing over 2 billion followers today

Wednesdays @ 9:00 am

Emotionally Healthy Relationships

Pastor Jeremy Watson
This impactful study has the ability to change your relationships with God, yourself, and with others.

Coming Soon

The Josiah Manifesto

Debbie Wallace
The Josiah Manifesto opens up the mysteries that lie behind the  events of recent times that have changed our world – and the message within them in regard to what lies ahead.

Coming Soon