Prayer and Fasting Worksheet
VBFN’s 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
January 9 - January 29, 2022
1. Step 1 - Determine your focus:
Determine what your focus will be during the 21 day fast.
What is important to God?
What is important to me?
Get your gameplay together.
2. Step 2 - Set your objective:
“I am fasting and praying towards ________________________________ (spiritual renewal, guidance, healing, revival, resolution of problems, special grace to handle a situation, finances, ministry, family, salvation of others, etc.) so I am fasting from (food, meals, media, etc) _________________________________________.
- Write them down a the Holy Spirit gives them to you.
- This will help you pray with more focus and strategy.
3. Step 3 - Make your commitment:
Pray about the kind of fast you should undertake.
1. Fasting from food.
a. Jewish: Eat at sunset
b. Daniel: Fruits and vegetables…meatless.
c. Water and juice
d. Liquids
e. Create your own. You can create any kind of combination.
2. Fasting from distractions
a. Media (TV, Movies, Social Media, etc.)
b. Activities (regular hobbies, etc.)
3. How much time will you devote each day to prayer and God’s Word?
a. Increase time for prayer. I suggest scheduling it.
b. Increase time in the Word. How much time will your Bible reading increase?
4. This 21 day fasting and prayer is for the whole family. Encourage your children to fast and pray with you. Have them make a 21 day commitment.
4. Step 4 - Prepare yourself spiritually:
1. Ask the Lord to help you. He is waiting and loves the fact He will get more time with you.
2. Have your Bible.
3. Have a journal and pens.
4. Schedule your day.
5. Bring your family in.
5. Step 5 - Expect results:
1. Remember you are sowing. Reaping might happen both during the fast or after it.
2. The goal is to delight yourself in God and to draw near by giving more to Him and pressing in for the greater.
VBFN’s 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
January 9 - January 29, 2022
1. Step 1 - Determine your focus:
Determine what your focus will be during the 21 day fast.
What is important to God?
What is important to me?
Get your gameplay together.
2. Step 2 - Set your objective:
“I am fasting and praying towards ________________________________ (spiritual renewal, guidance, healing, revival, resolution of problems, special grace to handle a situation, finances, ministry, family, salvation of others, etc.) so I am fasting from (food, meals, media, etc) _________________________________________.
- Write them down a the Holy Spirit gives them to you.
- This will help you pray with more focus and strategy.
3. Step 3 - Make your commitment:
Pray about the kind of fast you should undertake.
1. Fasting from food.
a. Jewish: Eat at sunset
b. Daniel: Fruits and vegetables…meatless.
c. Water and juice
d. Liquids
e. Create your own. You can create any kind of combination.
2. Fasting from distractions
a. Media (TV, Movies, Social Media, etc.)
b. Activities (regular hobbies, etc.)
3. How much time will you devote each day to prayer and God’s Word?
a. Increase time for prayer. I suggest scheduling it.
b. Increase time in the Word. How much time will your Bible reading increase?
4. This 21 day fasting and prayer is for the whole family. Encourage your children to fast and pray with you. Have them make a 21 day commitment.
4. Step 4 - Prepare yourself spiritually:
1. Ask the Lord to help you. He is waiting and loves the fact He will get more time with you.
2. Have your Bible.
3. Have a journal and pens.
4. Schedule your day.
5. Bring your family in.
5. Step 5 - Expect results:
1. Remember you are sowing. Reaping might happen both during the fast or after it.
2. The goal is to delight yourself in God and to draw near by giving more to Him and pressing in for the greater.
- I have determined my focus.
- I have set my objective.
- I have made my commitment.
- I will prepare myself spiritually.
- I will prayerfully believe that God will meet me in this fast.