From the Pastor's Pen,
"It's Time"
The author of of Ecclesiastes writes in Ecclesiastes 3:1...
There is a time for everything, and a season for every action under heaven...
In preparation for our 50th anniversary celebration and our desire to have greater Kingdom influence in the years ahead, we believe God is calling us to a season of prayer and fasting to begin the New Year. Specifically, we believe Jesus is calling us to seek God for three things: Protection, Direction, and Revelation.
Let me encourage you to join me and participate in 21 days of prayer and fasting, January 9-29, 2022. For many, this will be your first experience of any kind with fasting. To fast means to not eat, abstain from food, or to abstain from social media.
While there are many biblical examples of fasts, for our 21 days we are encouraging you to choose a way in which you. will fast - a meal or meals, or fast social media - and during those periods participate in intentional moments of prayer.
John Wesley comments on such times: "Sometimes God is often pleased to lift up the souls of His servants above all the things of earth, and to lift them up, as it were, into the thirdd heavens. And fasting is chiefly an aid to prayer, so much so, that it has one virtue, but also seriousness of spirit, sincerity, sensitivity, and tenderness of conscience, deadness to the world, and consequently. a love of God, and of every holy and heavenly feeling."
Notice fasting is added to prayer. Fasting has no spiritual power in and of itself. When it is the setting aside of our needs/appetites/ channel our energy and heart in seeking our Heaven Father, it can be a powerful tool of grace. You are free to decide your level of participation, as the Spirit impresses Himself upon you.
Ultimately it is the Holy Spirit who decides the purpose of this VBFN fast. In on sense, we do not know. We simply attend to His leading and walk accordingly. I believe He will make Himself known as we walk in obedience.
Expecting the Best,
Pastor Hugh
P.S. See the myVBFN app or for me help with the 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting.
"It's Time"
The author of of Ecclesiastes writes in Ecclesiastes 3:1...
There is a time for everything, and a season for every action under heaven...
In preparation for our 50th anniversary celebration and our desire to have greater Kingdom influence in the years ahead, we believe God is calling us to a season of prayer and fasting to begin the New Year. Specifically, we believe Jesus is calling us to seek God for three things: Protection, Direction, and Revelation.
Let me encourage you to join me and participate in 21 days of prayer and fasting, January 9-29, 2022. For many, this will be your first experience of any kind with fasting. To fast means to not eat, abstain from food, or to abstain from social media.
While there are many biblical examples of fasts, for our 21 days we are encouraging you to choose a way in which you. will fast - a meal or meals, or fast social media - and during those periods participate in intentional moments of prayer.
John Wesley comments on such times: "Sometimes God is often pleased to lift up the souls of His servants above all the things of earth, and to lift them up, as it were, into the thirdd heavens. And fasting is chiefly an aid to prayer, so much so, that it has one virtue, but also seriousness of spirit, sincerity, sensitivity, and tenderness of conscience, deadness to the world, and consequently. a love of God, and of every holy and heavenly feeling."
Notice fasting is added to prayer. Fasting has no spiritual power in and of itself. When it is the setting aside of our needs/appetites/ channel our energy and heart in seeking our Heaven Father, it can be a powerful tool of grace. You are free to decide your level of participation, as the Spirit impresses Himself upon you.
Ultimately it is the Holy Spirit who decides the purpose of this VBFN fast. In on sense, we do not know. We simply attend to His leading and walk accordingly. I believe He will make Himself known as we walk in obedience.
Expecting the Best,
Pastor Hugh
P.S. See the myVBFN app or for me help with the 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting.